Fara á efnissvæði



Evacuation Plan


Evacuation Plan

The airport's evacuation plan is intended to guide the organization and actions required if the building or parts of it need to be evacuated due to imminent danger. It is essential to thoroughly review the contents of the handbook and regularly refresh this knowledge with employees. Special attention should be paid to escape routes and the location of firefighting and emergency equipment. The evacuation plan is updated regularly and presented to evacuation representatives. When new parties occupy a space, an evacuation representative must be assigned, and the list must be updated accordingly.

All airport employees must remain vigilant regarding safety matters and notify APOC if they identify any need for improvements.


Role of Evacuation Representatives

Operators appoint evacuation representatives who receive training from Isavia. It is crucial to ensure that at least one evacuation representative is on duty at all times. The operator must appoint a new representative if the current one leaves their position. The responsibilities of evacuation representatives include:

  • Managing Evacuation: Directing the evacuation of their assigned area, providing guidance on evacuation routes and assembly points.
  • Educating Colleagues: Informing team members about their roles during an evacuation.
  • Ensuring Clear Escape Routes: Regularly checking that escape routes are unobstructed and accessible.

Evacuations should not begin until the location of the potential hazard is known, as evacuating prematurely could move people from a safe area to an unsafe one. Always follow instructions from APOC.


Evacuation Routes

Operators must ensure that evacuation routes, as indicated on the main plans and specific fire safety plans, remain functional at all times. These routes must not be obstructed by closures or objects that hinder access.

Additionally, operators are responsible for notifying APOC if exit lights or emergency lighting within their designated area become inoperative.


Evacuation Assembly Points

There are 18 designated assembly points around the terminal, marked with green signs featuring arrows pointing toward the center (see image). These points are intended to ensure safe gathering and facilitate coordination during evacuations.



Severe Weather

In the event of severe weather, it may be necessary to evacuate parts of the building to safe areas. It is important to note that large sections of walls and ceilings are made of glass, and emphasis should be placed on evacuating these areas if deemed necessary.

APOC will make the decision regarding evacuation in consultation with the police and Civil Protection authorities.

The Isavia contact person will inform operators about Isavia's actions in response to severe weather, such as flight disruptions or changes to operating hours to accommodate passengers. Action protocols for severe weather are in place to outline how to respond to adverse weather conditions to ensure the safety of passengers, staff, and equipment (see here).

Various useful weather-related information for KEF can be found at: https://www.kefairport.is/fyrirtaekid/vedurupplysingar

During weather-related operations, it is essential for operators to inform APOC by calling 425 6200 or emailing apoc@kefairport.is if incidents occur or if further information is needed.

All individuals working at Keflavik Airport must familiarize themselves with the severe weather action protocols.