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Background check instructions

In the light of the changed rules for police background check , we have recieved instructions from the police that might be very helpfull and hopefully atribute to faster process.

• It is very important that all parts of the application are filled out properly. Online signing of papers is not allowed , only  handwritten signatures are accepted.

• If a person claims to have been involved or is involved in a case with the Police ( sections 4.1 and 4.2 ) then there must  be an explanation about it in point 4.3.

Note: if a person does not tell the truth and fills in that he doesn´t  have any case to be processed , but it turns out otherwise – the application will be returned as insufficient and it needs to be re -applied , According to regulations, the Police will not accept an application that has false/information in it

 it is very important that there are no unexplained gaps for a period longer then 28 days according to regulatory framework. Employment is registered in items 5 and 6 ,

Dates ( day,month,year) must be stated and an application should not be sent to us if it contains unexplained gaps

 if a person has spent 6 months or more abroad in the last 5 years , a criminal record from the country that was stayed in is required and a certified translation of documents

in english/icelandic to accompany the application , also the criminal record must not be older then 3 months . A person who can not submit a criminal record can not undergo background check procedure.

 All applicants must submit a copy of their passport.

If the application doesn not meet the above conditions , it will not be sent to the Police . ID office will contact access card administrators and point out to what is missing and needs to be corrected And in  case of no answer is received we will delete the application.

Reference is made to paragraph 5 article 25 aviation security regulation no 750/2016:

If the application is submitted that is not considered suffiecient and no response has been received after repeated requests – the airport operator shall reject the application .


For more info if needed , you can contact the police at lss.bakgrunnskodanir@logreglan.is


